The 2nd Actionable Science for Urban Sustainability (AScUS) unconference continued the success of the previous edition in producing actionable and multidisciplinary knowledge to tackle urban sustainability challenges across the globe. Different participant-driven, interactive and interdisciplinary discussion sessions were held over the four days of (virtual) conference, tackling topics from urban mobility, local reuse activity, urban transformation until risk assessment, teaching and science fiction story writing. We had inspiring discussions, fruitful brainstorming sessions, and also a lot of fun.
Remember that AScUS did not feature any individual presentations; instead, all contributions from participants were submitted online ahead of time. These remain accessible for the participants via the AScUS platform and allow browsing through and eventually reviewing the contributions.

The goal of AScUS 2021 was to produce actionable insights. This included the development of "Path-to-Action" documents that were based on the discussion sessions.
View the outputs
Thank you!
Many thanks to all the participants who joined our unconference! Thanks to the hard work of both the organizing committee, the many session organizers, and the participants, we were able to make this a fruitful and inspiring event. We hope everyone enjoyed the experience.

The unconference featured various awards, which were decided on by popular vote. Many thanks to the participants for voting during and after the event, and to all the involved organizers. Congratulations to all award winners!
View the awardsThe best path-to-action document have been voted, again with a three way tie. Most of the PtA documents are openly accessible (see 'Outputs').
Check out the winners under 'Awards'!
AScUS 2021 is over, but AScUS is not. We will soon start to think about AScUS 2022. If you are interested in contributing to the organisation of the next Unconference or would even like to (co-) host the event at your institution, please get in contact with us ( We are looking forward to welcoming you on board.
Organizing Committee
The unconference is organized by a group of researchers from or based in Asia, the Americas, Europe, and Africa. While it is an independent event, the unconference is organized in close collaboration with Metabolism of Cities. Feel free to contact any of them for questions related to the unconference. The organizing committee is composed of (alphabetical order):
- Shauhrat Chopra | City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong |
- Sybil Derrible | University of Illinois at Chicago, United States |
- Maureen Ferry | HouseStories, United States |
- Paul Hoekman | Metabolism of Cities, South Africa |
- Matan Mayer | IE University, Spain |
- Santiago Perez I University of Technology of Troyes, France I
- Jens Peters | University of Alcalá, Spain | | Participation made possible through H2020 funding
- Anne Ventura | University Gustave Eiffel, France |