Session Leader: Jens Peters
The session will elaborate visions of a future city fully aligned to sustainability criteria and, starting from this, backcast the role that Urban Metabolism (UM) studies could (or should) have for achieving it .
Develop ideas about how to create impact and how to maximise the contribution that UM studies can make to supporting the socio-economic transition
In an interactive workshop format, participants will create their vision of future urban and interurban mobility as starting point for elaborating on the following questions:
• How do people and goods move in an ecologically reconciled future ?
• What were the main technological and societal transitions that have been required for achieving this?
• What was the role of UM studies and research for supporting and fostering this transition?
• What are the concrete action points for UM research that can be distilled from that (these would be basis of the path-to-action document)
Path to action document (white paper)
Community Portal
Urban Metabolism and the Future of Mobility

In this session we will explore the role that urban metabolism studies (UM) can and should have for supporting societal transitions.
Since we have only a limited amount of time during the conference, part of the workshop will take place as pre-conference activity. In fact, the pre-conference activity might be one of the most exiting parts of this discussion session: We will start building the different future scenarios as basis for our backcasting approach during the conference.
So, take a break from your working routine and participate in building the vision of future mobility in the city of your choice. Depending on the number of participants we will split up into groups and develop different visions, each of them with an existing city of your choice as starting point.
The pre-conference session will take place one week before at the same time as the actual conference session on 25th of May from 14:30 to 16:30h CEST (we might end a little earlier). For other time zones, check the conference schedule. Make sure you do not miss this particularly creative part of the workshop and to participate in setting the scene for the discussion session on June 2nd !

Hi all,
just a short reminder: the pre-conference activity for the session "Urban Metabolism and the Future of Mobility" takes place today (Tuesday, 25th) at 14:30.
You still have some time to register and to participate in creating your vision of future urban mobility and in seeting the scene for the discussion session next week!!
See you there!

Dear all,
We have had our pre-conference activity on Tuesday, which was (despite some technical difficulties) much fun and very interesting .
We developed two Utopia for next week that you can already check out in this google doc if you like.
The document is editable, so you can (and I would encourage you to do so) create another (your very own) Utopia if you feel inspired!! These Utopia will be the starting point for the discussion Session, so you can still contribute to setting the scene!
We will distribute the document to all session participants on Monday, so all can read the Ideas beforehand and pick one right away in the session.
See you all next Tuesday!!

Dear all,
finde here the second outcome of our pre-conference activity, the problem analysis.
During the discussion session it is supposed to help focusing the discussion on the problems and the involved stakeholders and thus to support constructing our path-to-action. Again, feel free (and even encouraged) to have a look already before the actual discussion session and add whatever you feel lacking.
Just two days left, looking forward to this discussion session!

Dear all,
find here the Path-to-Action document of our discussion session. I included all comments as far as possible.
I will submit the final version on Tuesday, so you have until monday (19/07) to comment or change what you feel necessary (when changing content, please use the changemark option).